
Frequently Asked Questions - Tattoo Removal

Frequently Asked Questions - Tattoo Removal

Is it possible to completely remove a tattoo? Who can have it removed? How much does the session cost? Does it hurt to remove? These are just a few of the hundreds of questions we receive here at the studio.

We've put together this page of frequently asked questions about laser tattoo removal to answer the main queries of people who want to remove an unwanted tattoo! Check it out below.

Yes, it's totally possible! Here at HellTattoo we have many successful cases where the tattoo has been completely removed.

Here at Hell Tattoo the lasers used in the removal treatments are: Softlight, Spectra XT, Rubi Sinon and Co2 Fractional Lumenis.

A tattoo removal session lasts around 10 to 20 minutes, which can be longer depending on the size of your tattoo.

The number of sessions needed to remove the design from your skin depends on how your body reacts to the laser, and varies from person to person.

Sessions should be carried out between 4 and 8 weeks apart. In order for your body to remove the maximum amount of pigment and for the skin to heal completely.

There are many variables that determine the price of a tattoo removal session. For example, the color of the tattoo, the size, the location, etc. It is necessary to carry out a complete assessment of the design in order to have an idea of how much complete tattoo removal will cost.

The laser acts directly on the tattoo pigments, exploding them into microparticles, causing the body to eliminate these pigments naturally over time. Throughout the removal process, the ink strokes become lighter and thinner, until all the ink is removed from the body and the tattoo disappears.

Some patients report feeling a slight sting - like a rubber band hitting their skin, followed by a burning sensation. Many treatments do not require anesthetics. However, some patients feel more comfortable with a local agent such as ice or a topical anesthetic cream.

All colors can be removed using our equipment. Even green and blue, which are the most difficult colors.

Yes, even black skin! The lasers used here at HellTattoo only hit the ink pigment and don't damage the skin around the tattoo.

Factors such as immunity, skin type, skin tone and the characteristics of the tattoo can influence how long it will take for the tattoo to be completely removed.

No, this is a myth! On the contrary, removing a tattoo a few months after it has been done can be a great advantage, as the pigments have still reached the deepest layer of the skin. Tattoo removal is only not indicated in cases where the skin is inflamed or infected.

As long as the procedure is carried out by a qualified professional, with a certified machine and respects the skin's healing time, which is at least 30 days, laser tattoo removal does not leave any scars on the patient's skin.

Yes, it's possible! The equipment used for tattoo removal here at the HellTattoo Clinic only focuses on the pigments, which means that it is possible to remove just a few details or part of a design.

Sim, tatuagens coloridas tem mais resistência por conta que cada comprimento de onda do laser age em cromóforos alvos diferentes. Portanto, para cada cor da tatuagem precisamos de um comprimento de onda do laser diferente, por exemplo: pigmento preto utilizamos 1064 nm; já para remover o vermelho usamos o 532 nm; pigmentos verdes e azuis é necessário utilizar um laser de Rubi de 694 nm ou até mesmo lasers de picosegundos. Aqui na <b>clínica HellTattoo</b> possuímos um centro de laser com diversas tecnologias que remove todas as cores de pigmentos.

Yes, colored tattoos have more resistance because each laser wavelength acts on different target chromophores. Therefore, for each color of tattoo we need a different laser wavelength, for example: black pigment we use 1064 nm; to remove red we use 532 nm; green and blue pigments need a 694 nm Ruby laser or even picosecond lasers. Here at the HellTattoo clinic we have a laser center with various technologies that remove all colors of pigments.

Generally, areas that are close to lymph nodes or areas where there is more lymph flow, such as the abdomen, biceps, groin, shoulders, chest, head and face are easier to absorb the pigment. However, when it comes to more distant areas such as the fingers, hands and feet, it is more difficult and may require more time to remove.

Generally, areas that are close to lymph nodes or areas where there is more lymph flow, such as the abdomen, biceps, groin, shoulders, chest, head and face are easier to absorb the pigment. However, when it comes to more distant areas such as the fingers, hands and feet, it is more difficult and may require more time to remove.

Yes! 50% of the people who come to us want to lighten their skin in order to cover or reform an unwanted tattoo or permanent make-up. This process takes an average of 90 to 120 days after the last laser session.

Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding cannot undergo treatment, unless they have a doctor's referral. We do not recommend laser treatment for women who are pregnant or are still breastfeeding until this phase has been cleared.

These cases are rare. It depends a lot on the depth of the stroke, who did the tattooing, the amount of ink, etc. This is more common with eyebrow micropigmentation, where in 80% of cases we are able to remove the pigment in the first session. The finer and more superficial the trace, the greater the likelihood. In addition, we have to take into account that the treatment, number of sessions and response time are closely linked to each individual's immune system.

Occasionally, Hypochromia (a whitening of the skin) can occur. But normal skin tone can return within 6 to 12 months of the last treatment session.

It is recommended that the skin has not been tanned or injured in any way before the session. Therefore, avoid exposing your tattoo to the sun for at least 30 days before the scheduled removal date.

This is a risk that the patient must take if they really want to remove the unwanted design. Even if a treatment is carried out to prevent keloids, this is a type of scar that can still occur.

We don't recommend this because laser removal sessions at shorter intervals don't give the skin enough time to recover and heal completely. As a result, the patient increases the number of sessions needed to completely remove the design, and consequently invests more money and their skin is scarred at the end of the treatment.

At the end of each session, the technician in charge of the treatment will give you all the information you need about what should and shouldn't be applied to the skin so that there are no complications.

Tattoo removal is contraindicated for patients who are taking isotretinoin or another medication that makes the skin more sensitive to light.

Yes, you can. We have a customer support team who are available to give you a brief quote by sending you a photo of the tattoo you want to remove via our website or WhatsApp.

If you have any questions, please contact our numbers and we'll be happy to help.

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